Our New Barn Kitties

Whatcom Humane Society has a terrific Working Cats program wherein feral and semi-feral cats are trapped, spayed or neutered, wormed, fleaed, vaccinated etc. and then placed onto local farms as ratters and mousers. Yesterday, our four were dropped off.

The Berries

Poor Raspberry. He looks so forlorn. Better days ahead buddy.

They will stay in their kennels for two weeks, getting used to the smells and sounds of the farm and — we hope — learning to look favorably upon the human servant who brings them wet food twice a day and cleans up their messes.

After the two weeks are up, their kennel doors will be opened and they will have the run of a small shed full of hidey holes and other places to hang-out. We hope by this time they are no longer terrified of their human slaves.

After two more weeks, they will get let loose into the adjoining enclosed chicken run and goat shed at night only where they can hunt mice and start to establish their turf.

Two weeks later — so six weeks after arriving on the farm — they will be free-range. Our hope is that by that time they will consider this their home and that our resident kitties will have ceded them the barn.

chicks near me


Brave Strawberry


Kitten Stuff